Thursday, 28 December 2017

A Brief Note on the Six Definite Facts about Fibroids

Have you been diagnosed with fibroids lately? Well, there is nothing to get worried as almost 70% of women, who have attained their reproductive age, suffer from this medical condition at some point in their lives. The fibroids are actually the growth of muscles on the inner wall of the uterus. Though, they are non-malignant, they create problems during the time of pregnancy. The cause of fibroids is still unknown but the risk factors might be the family history, obesity or the early onset of puberty. The symptoms of this issue include heavy bleeding, prolonged periods, extreme abdominal pain and many more. 

  • According to top-notch healthcare professionals offering fibroids help, the issue is considered quite common and involves sudden emergence of tumors in the female reproductive system. Recent studies have effectually manifested that almost all women will get fibroids by the time they are between the age of 40s and 50s. Though, they are non-cancerous tumours, they might cause problems while conceiving the baby. So, once you are diagnosed by fibroids, it is better that you consult a physician for the help.
  • Although a large number of people tend to get confused, fibroids are benign, although the condition does exhibit certain symptoms similar to uterine sarcoma- a rare form of cancer. It is viable to seek medical assistance and get rid of the tumors present in the uterus right away as neglecting the issue might cause them to turn malignant.
  • Renowned scientists have not been able to find out the definite cause behind fibroids. However, they did conduct research and experimentation and finally came up with the conclusion that an increase in the levels of progesterone and estrogen cause the tumors to grow at a faster pace. Diet, stress, and environmental factors are also known for contributing to fibroid development.
  •  Certain women are more likely to have fibroids than others are. According to a latest study, women of African-American origin and those approaching menopause are at a higher risk but the reasons behind this are yet not clear.
  • Largely asymptomatic, fibroids often mature in size and multiply in numbers, compelling women to experience certain agonizing reactions. Some of those are as follows-
1.       Heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding accompanied with cramps.
2.       Excruciating pain and pressure in the lower abdomen.
3.       Backaches.
4.       Frequent urination and acute constipation.
5.       Discomfort during sexual intercourse.
6.       Miscarriages, difficulty in conceiving, and other issues related to fibroid pregnancy.

  • Finally, yet importantly, there are many fibroid treatments available. Initially, women had no other option than relying upon hysterectomy that involves the removal of the entire uterus and comes with a number of side-effects. However, now they have a plenty of other alternatives. Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a prominent example. This minimally invasive procedure can cure multiple fibroids simultaneously and alleviate the painful symptoms immediately. Women can also opt for medications and home-based remedies to cure this condition. As like the similar process of curing fibroids, Women who are suffering from adenomyosis can also go through the same treatment to reduce the growths on the uterine walls. Though, both the issues fibroids and adenomyosis are similar, but both have different way of generation.

Monday, 25 September 2017

The Symptoms of and Treatments for Uterine Fibroids

I would like to request women, who have attained their reproductive age to see if they are suffering from the following conditions:

  • Experiencing abnormal bleeding during menstruation and the cycle lasts for prolonged periods, generally accompanied by excruciatingly painful cramps. Although a large number of women do not pay heed to the heavy flow, if periods are taking a toll on your daily lives, it is time to get a diagnosis.
  •  Who suffer from pelvic pressure and frequent abdominal pangs, there are women, who consider such non-menstrual pelvic pain normal and either consume high dose drugs or take resort to home-based tricks for getting rid of the discomfort. However, instead of enduring or suppressing, it would be viable if they seek professional medical assistance. 
  • Bladder pressure and irregular urinary patterns are some other serious issues that must not be neglected. Many women experience pain while urinating and lose bladder control on normal occasions. Well, get it straight that such a condition should not be overlooked and one must consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  • While sexual intercourse is something that provides pleasure to partners, there are women, who avoid indulging in the practice due to the immense pain and discomfort that they experience. If you are also going through the same situation, make sure to get yourself diagnosed immediately.
Top-notch healthcare professionals have undertaken varied experimentation and then concluded that fibroids or uterine tumors could be the reason behind all the above-mentioned conditions. About 50% women throughout the world have suffered from such a medical issue. If you are one of them, feel free to contact a doctor and opt for any of the below-mentioned treatment options, all of which are readily available.

  • Hysterectomy is one of the traditional procedures that involve complete removal of the uterus. However, it is due to the risks associated that this process is not accepted by modern-day individuals.
  • Hormonal therapy is considered another feasible treatment option for dealing with fibroids. A large number of medical professionals stated that an increase in estrogen levels could trigger the growth of the tumors. Well, hormone therapy reduces the production of estrogen and hence causes the lumps to shrink.
  • Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a treatment that has managed to attain widespread recognition. It is due to its innovation that many women are saying no to hysterectomy for fibroids. The minimally invasive surgical procedure can cure multiple fibroids at a time and provide relief from all associated symptoms in no time.
The aforementioned treatments, especially the last one could most surely provide you with a fibroid-free life.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Things You Must Know About Pregnancy And Fibroids

Many females of childbearing age group or the women who are already carrying a child in their womb are detected with varied gynecological concerns like endometriosis, fibroids as well as PCOS.  These highly frustrating issues actually take on the new height when a woman discover that she’s pregnant. In case, you’ve been informed that you’re having fibroids, it is apparent for you to wonder how it can impact the pregnancy. There some of these many questions that pop into your mind: 

    “Am I going to experience high-risk pregnancy?”
    “Can these fibroids put me and my baby at certain risks for some serious complications?”
Well, for some women, the fibroids generally have very little or no impact on the regular lives they lead, their fertility or else pregnancy.  But for other women, fibroid pregnancy can have major impacts on health. In case, you aren’t much aware of fibroids as well as pregnancy, here are certain things which you need to know: 

    Fibroids are quite common these days

Fibroids are the masses of certain compacted muscle as well as fibrous tissue. These are non-cancerous and mostly found either outside or else inside one’s uterine wall. The fibroid tumors can also be denoted as myoma or leiomyoma. This condition is quite common these days as majority of the women, including pregnant women, are having fibroids. 

    Fibroids differ in size 

There are some fibroids that are small as peas. On the other hand, some fibroids are as large as the grapefruits. They can be even larger than the grapes. Besides these, there are some fibroids that are even larger than grapefruits. While most of the fibroids would hardly grow in terms of size, one-third of it grows during the first trimester when a woman is pregnant. Fibroids that tends to grow during the phase of pregnancy are the most problematic ones since they can lead to miscarriage.

    Fibroids can either be asymptomatic or else problematic
In some cases, women who have fibroids may not experience any noticeable symptoms during, before or else after pregnancy. Whereas, for other women, fibroids can have some of these symptoms: 

1.    Abdominal Pain
2.    Constipation
3.    Frequent urination
4.    Pelvic pain and pressure. 

The women who aren’t pregnant but have fibroids may also experience heavy bleeding. In case you experience any of these symptoms, it is a must for you to consult the specialist as soon as possible. The medical field has come up with new developments for fibroids in terms of treatment. In case you’ve fibroids and you’re in your pregnancy phase, consider opting for UFE. Uterine Fibroid Embolization cannot just help in treating the fibroids but also assures safe delivery.