Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Lead a Fibroid-Free and Painless Life with Natural Treatments

Uterine fibroids have become the major cause of worry to a large share of women. Specially, those who are at their childbearing age are at high risks. Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumour growths on the smooth muscle layer of female reproductive organ or womb. As per the latest study, about 20 to 40 percent of women, aged above 35, have this gynecological condition.

Fibroids usually come with some common symptoms, including, painful and heavy bleeding period, pelvic pressure or pain, frequent urinary problem, difficulty in getting pregnant, constipation, backache and so on. The worst thing about these non-cancerous tumours is that they often appear as asymptomatic. This is why women with fibroids often remain unaware of the fact that they have this health issue.

You will be pleased to know that fibroids can be treated with advanced treatments. To know about fibroid treatment, do check the following section.

Natural Treatments:
Uterine fibroids usually grow slowly. Over the course of time, they may shrink on their own, especially after your menopause. With natural treatments, you can lead a fibroid free and painless life. Have a look at the below section to know about this.

  •          Weight Loss

According to doctors, excess weight and obesity maximize the risks for this gynecological issue. This happens because the fat cells play the vital role behind the growth of estrogen, the female hormone. You might know that estrogen contributes greatly to the growth of these non- malignant cysts. So, losing weight helps you to prevent as well as reduce the size of these tumours.

  •          Food Habit

Your regular diet is an important factor in treating this health problem. Proper nutrient will help you maintain a healthy weight, and thus it reduces risks. Here are the foods that you should avoid to treat these non-malignant cysts, flour, white rice, pasta, corn syrup, soda, and other sugary drinks, potato chips, crackers, baked goods and so on.

To stay healthy and to minimize the risks of a fibroid, you may add these foods to your diet, dried fruit, raw and cooked vegetables, brown rice, whole grain bread, fresh and dried herbs, beans and more. Consult the doctors to know what you should eat and what to avoid. As per the study, green tea works magically to reduce the size of these non-cancerous tumours.

Medical Treatments:
If the natural treatments fail, you may opt for fibroid removal surgery, like, hysterectomy and others. With hormone balancing medications, uterine fibroid embolisation, myomectomy, and hysterectomy treatments, you can lead a painless and healthy life. You should consult the gynecologists to know which treatment you should undertake.

If you come across any of the fibroid symptoms, you should consult an experienced doctor, instead of wasting your time. Lead a healthy life by undertaking the best treatment.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Know about the Six Common Gynecological Conditions

Gynecological disorders are the ones that affect women’s reproductive system, which consists of breasts, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tube, and external genitalia. Apart from disrupting sexual function, the said conditions are known to adversely impact their ability of conceiving and in certain cases stand to be life threatening as well. 

In the following write-up, I have jotted down some of the most common gynecological disorders that you as a woman must be aware of. Please do buy some time and check out the below-mentioned pointers. 
  • Adenomyosis involves the movement or encroachment of endometrial tissues that surrounds the womb so that they could accumulate and grow into thick muscles. This leads to excessively heavy menstrual bleeding accompanied with excruciatingly painful cramps and make sexual intercourse quite difficult. 

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by the excessive production of testosterone. The ovaries enlarge due to the presence of multiple follicular cysts, which are of 2mm to 9mm in diameter. Such a condition leads to menstrual irregularities, abdominal obesity, severe acne, and infertility.  

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease could be defined as the swelling and infection of all organs present in the upper genital tract. A few symptoms to look out for start from excess vaginal discharge to fever, lethargy, headache, and tremendous pelvic pressure. Over-the-counter antibiotics such as metronidazole, ofloxacin, doxycycline, and ceftriaxone are noted for treating this condition. 

  • Endometriosis could be referred to as the condition in which the uterine lining or endometrial tissues grow and reach abnormal locations in a woman’s body. Once diagnosed, there are varied treatment options that women could go for such as painkillers, oral contraceptives, hormone therapies, or conservative surgical procedures. 

  • Vaginitis is the inflammation of vagina, which stands specifically common in children because there is less estrogen production and bacteria along with other harmful organisms could easily invade. Even though the condition is not that serious and could be easily cured through medications available in the market but it should never be suppressed or neglected. 

  • The last issue that needs much attention is fibroids. It could be loosely defined as a condition in which non-cancerous tumors of varying size and numbers develop within and around the uterus. Major symptoms include abnormal periods, abdominal pain, backaches, frequent urination, constipation, and discomfort during sexual intercourse. Although there are many options, the best uterine fibroids treatment is uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). Owing to being minimally invasive, it has managed to acquire widespread popularity.  

So, if you are suffering from any of the gynecological disorder stated above, make sure to get them treated right away. Not doing so can take a toll on your overall wellbeing, both physical and mental. 

Monday, 5 March 2018

A Detailed Discussion on Four Major Gynecological Symptoms

Almost all modern-day women are noted for leading an extremely busy life. Apart from handling demanding chores at workplaces, they are also required to take care of their children and husband at home. Such hectic schedules are known to adversely impact their physical wellbeing and lead to certain complicated gynecological conditions. While most of the issues are benign and does not last long, there are some that require immediate medical assistance. In the following write-up, I have jotted down a few symptoms that women must look out for and consult a doctor if experienced. Please do buy some time and take a close look at the below-mentioned pointers.

·         Menstrual Irregularities

Although periods are supposed to be accompanied by minor cramps and discomfort, some women turn completely dysfunctional because the pain  they go through during that time of the week is simply excruciating. If you have been missing office or consuming medications to  get rid of the distress caused by menstruation, it is time to consult a doctor immediately and see if you are suffering from fibroids, adenomyosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc.

·         Painful Sexual Intercourse

A large number of women avoid getting intimate because for them intercourse is more about pain than pleasure. There are a wide range of conditions that could be held responsible when it comes to a woman experiencing immense discomfort during penetration, starting from not enough lubrication to something quite serious as ovarian cancer. Instead of neglecting or suppressing, it would be viable if this problem is treated right away.

·         Chronic Bloating

Although it is common to feel bloated before and during periods but in case the condition is chronic and does not seem to resolve on its own, make sure to consult a medical professional immediately. Excessive bloating accompanied by pelvic pain and pressure often occurs when a woman suffers from ovarian cysts. Over-the-counter medications and surgical procedures are feasible treatment options but the said problem could also be solved through a few home remedies.

·         Frequent urination

Do you feel that you visit the restroom more than often? Well, excessive urination or getting the urge to urinate every hour could be a sign of certain underlying medical issue that must be treated as soon as possible. Diabetes, anxiety, urinary tract infections, overactive bladder syndrome, kidney stones, uterine fibroids are some of the common causes behind this condition. Most of the stated ailment could be resolved with medical assistance. For example uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is a minimally invasive fibroid surgery that can eliminate multiple tumors present in the female reproductive system.

Are you suffering from any of the conditions stated above? If yes, make sure not to ignore them but consult a healthcare specialist immediately.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

A Note on the Six Major Facts about Uterine Fibroids

A large number of women suffer from fibroids, where non-cancerous tumors of varying size develop in their uterus or reproductive system. In the following write-up, I have jotted down certain fast facts about this medical condition. Readers out there are requested to buy some time and take a close look at the below-mentioned pointers. 

·         Fibroid tumors are generally harmless but at times, they mature and multiply, disrupting a woman’s entire life. They lead to adverse reactions such as heavy bleeding period, constipation, backaches, abdominal pain and pressure, frequent urination, and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

·         According to the latest research, about 70% of women, who have attained their reproductive age, suffer from fibroids but only 25% of them experience the agonizing symptoms. Although there is no such scientific evidence, top-notch medical professionals have conducted experiments and found that obese and women of African-American origin are more likely to get this ailment.

·         Fibroids could be categorized into four kinds depending on their location. Intramurals grow inside the uterine wall, subserosals grow just outside the uterus, submucosals grow below the uterine lining or within the cavity of the womb, and pendunculated have small stalks that attach themselves with the uterus. 

·         Women would be able to conceive even if they are suffering from fibroids. The said medical condition affecting fertility depends upon the location, size, and number of tumors. Well, women would be able to know about these aspects only if they have a talk with the doctor and undergo an ultrasound. 

·         In the present times, all women have said nohysterectomy for fibroids because the surgery is extremely risky and have many associated side-effects. Well, plenty of alternatives have come up and one of the best options is UFE or Uterine Fibroid Embolization. This minimally invasive procedure has managed to garner immense popularity because of the stated benefits:

  1. Preserves the uterus.
  2. Shrinks multiple fibroid tumors at a time.
  3. No scars.
  4. All the symptoms related to this medical condition would alleviate immediately.
  5. Speedy recovery.

Over-the-counter medications and effectual home-based tips and tricks could also provide ultimate relief from fibroids. Women are free to choose any of the treatment, in accordance with their convenience and budget.

·         According to well-known medical professionals, fibroid recurrence is possible even if all the tumors are removed with utmost caution. Well, women could be relieved as the chances are extremely low.
To conclude, women could deal with uterine fibroids only if they are capable of identifying what is best for them. I think a positive and interactive relationship with doctor is necessary to be acquainted with the different options. A second opinion is welcome if patients are not satisfied with the information received.